Unless indicated otherwise all Furness Family History Society meetings are held in the Barrow Island Community Primary School - CDC, Trinity Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Click here for map. Please do not use the school entrance / car park as this is reserved for loading and unloading.

Meetings are generally held on the first Monday of each month (except January and August). Our meetings begin at 7:30 pm (Please consider your arrival). Our annual general meeting is normally held in April and precedes our talk by around thirty minutes, stating at 19:00 unless otherwise stated below.

May we thank all of those who have already contributed. Applicants are now being invited for talks during 2024 & 2025 If you, or if you know of any person who would be interested in presenting a talk on behalf of the Furness Family History Society during this period please click here advising of your fee along with your terms & conditions.


JANUARY - 2024      
No event/s      
FEBRUARY - 2024      
Monday 5th G. Holmes Sankey Iamegs - The Railway Collection
MARCH - 2024      
Monday 4th G. Holmes A Tour from Coniston to Ramsden Dock through Words & Pictures.
APRIL - 2024      
Monday 8th A. Lowe A Talk on Lakeland Churches
MAY - 2024      
Monday 13th R. White An update on recent additions to his local cemeteries research.
JUNE - 2024      
Monday 3rd D. Ellsworth The Mills of Ulverston
JULY - 2024      
Monday 1st K. Grice Brockhole 125, a country house in pictures
AUGUST - 2024      
No event/s      
SEPTEMBER - 2024      
Monday 2nd S. Tiplady Taking the Highway to Dalton. A road from Hawkshead to Dalton.
OCTOBER - 2024      
Monday 7th M&B. Brereton Gleaston Mill
NOVEMBER - 2024      
Monday 4th M. Cummings Royal National Lifeboat Institution
DECEMBER - 2024      
Monday 2nd S. Benson Barrow Blitz & Evacuation










Please take the time to view / sign our guestbook


© Furness Family History Society. Established 1993. Affiliated to the FEDERATION OF FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETIES.