If you wish to have a link to your own
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The reasons for not making this page an
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$ |
USA-based |
* |
GDH "favourite" |
@ |
Highly recommended |
method, general
Ancestry |
$ |
www.ancestry.com |
Compsrv Roots Home Page |
@ |
Family Chronicle mag. (Canada) |
www.familychronicle |
Genealogy Gateway |
www.gengateway.com |
Genealogy Online |
genealogy.org/ |
GENUKI/England |
www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/ |
GENUKI/England/Lancashire |
www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/LAN/ |
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox |
@ |
Kindred Konnections |
$ |
www.mytrees.com |
Peter Christian's Genealogy |
scorpio.gold.ac.uk/~peter/genealogy |
Tupman's gen source matrl |
$ |
freespace.virgin.net/alan.tupman/sites |
Cyndi Howells |
@ |
www.cyndislist.com |
@ |
www.genuki.org.uk/ |
Lacy's Gen Gateway |
@ |
www.polaris.net/~legend/bookmark.htm |
E-Genealogy |
www.e-genealogy.co.uk/ |
Global Gazette (Canadian) |
globalgenealogy.com/gazette.com |
Research UK |
www.research-uk.com/ |
Saints' days |
members.tripod.com/~gunhouse/calendar/home.htm |
Old style and new style dates |
midas.ac.uk/genuki/big/dates.txt |
Books, Basics, Sources
Genealogy Links |
members.tripod.com/~surnames/ |
Family Records Centre |
www.open.gov.uk/pre/frc.htm |
Public libraries |
www.earl.org.uk/familia/ |
National Maritime Msm Lib cat |
www.muscat.com/nmm |
Office of National Stats, Sthp |
www.ons.gov.uk |
Public Record Office |
@ |
www.pro.gov.uk |
GeneralRegisterOfc(Scotland) |
www.gro-scotland.gov.uk |
Population censuses
Archaic Medical Terms |
www.gpiag-asthma.org/drpsmith/amt1.htm |
Census-finding aids |
rontay.digiweb.com/Default.htm |
Gloucestershire & S Warwicks. |
www.silk.net/personal/gordonb/cotswold.htm |
Geographical treatment
World GenWeb |
- |
www.rootsweb.com/~engwgw/ |
Irish-related resources |
ftp.cac.psu/~saw/genealogy.html |
Brief History of Wales |
britannia.com/wales/whist.html |
Cheshire & gen (Richards) |
members.tripod.com/~AlanCheshire/index.html |
Cheshire look-up |
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8555/chs.html |
Cheshire parishes |
www.fhsc.org.uk/genuki/chs/parishes.htm |
Cheshire Record Office |
www.u-net.com/cheshire/recoff/home.htm |
Cheshire RO |
www.cheshire.gov.uk.recoff/home.htm |
FHS of Cheshire |
www.fhsc.org.uk/ |
Cheshire genealogy |
www.users.zetnet.co.uk/blangston/genuki/chs.htm |
Cheshire parishes |
www.users.zetnet.co.uk/blangston/genuki/chspars/ |
Durham GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~engdur/ |
Cumberland GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~engcul/ |
Cumbria GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~engcma/ |
Cumbria Guest book |
merlin.legend.org.uk/~jdillon/guestbook. |
Furness Family History Society |
members.aol.com/FurnessFHS/fpw.htm |
Cumbria County (general) |
www.cumbria.gov.uk/ |
Kent FHS |
www.centrenet.co.uk/~cna49/kfhs.htm |
Lancashire |
www.lancashire.com/coolf.htm |
Lancashire FHHS |
www.lfhhs.mcmail.com/ |
Lancashire GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~englan/ |
Lancashire maps |
www.lancashire.com/lcc/oldmap/index.htm |
Lancs Parish RegSoc |
www.midas.ac.uk/genuki/big/eng/LAN/lprs/ |
Liverpool Univ Archives |
www.liv.ac.uk/~archives/ |
London (Victorian) |
www.gendocs.demon.co.uk/victorian.html |
www.lswlfhs.freeserve.co.uk/ |
Manchester&LancashireFHS |
sentinel.mcc.ac.uk/genuki/big/eng/LAN/mlfhs/ |
Tom's Liverpool page |
www.cgo.wave.ca/~scouse1/list.htm |
Northumberland GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~engnbl/ |
Shropshire Roots |
www.valinor.co.uk |
Westmorland GenWeb |
www.rootsweb.com/~engwes/ |
Scots Origins (on-line svc) |
www.origins.net/GRO |
Scottish Univ Libs & Archives |
www.ozemail.com.au/~jimjar/jimjargg.htm |
Genealogy-Related Newsgroups: |
www.meertech.demon.co.uk/genuki/newsgrou.htm |
programs to download |
www.hotfiles.com/home/genealogy.html |
software reviews and links |
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9069/ |
Yahoo directory, genealogy |
www.yahoo.co.uk/Arts/Humanities/History/Genealogy |
Computers in Genealogy |
www.gold.ac.uk/~cig/ |
Archer's NetGuide $ @ |
www.genealogy.org/NGS/netguide/welcome.html |
ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/oughtibridge/ |
Biographer |
ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Peter_Cooley |
Vicki's mailing list index |
www.eskimo.com/~chance |
SoG "Essential Web Sites" |
www.sog.org.uk/links.html |
Hawgood, David |
ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/David_Hawgood/ |
Archer's Gen. Software |
ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/steve_archer |
Drake Software |
www.tdrake.demon.co.uk/ |
Land and property
Enclosure awards |
- |
www.crabtree.demon.co.uk/enclose.htm |
Legal terms |
www.ultranet.com/~deeds/legal.htm |
Occupations and diseases |
www.rootsweb.com/~ote/misc.htm |
Surname forums for world |
www.genforum.org |
advice and surname finder |
www.familychronicle.com/ |
Cheshire surnames |
www.fhsc.org.uk/surnames |
$ |
www.genserv.com |
Geocities People |
$ |
www.geocities.com/ |
Kent surnames |
dsftp.dial.pipex.com/town/square/ad741/kfhs2.htm |
Liverpool |
www.cgo.wave.ca/~scouse1/list.htm |
Liverpool surnames list(Milner |
www.onforamp.net/~scouse/ |
Research Register, Symbiosis |
symbiosis.uk.com/fhistory |
Rootsweb |
$* |
www.rootsweb.com/~maillist/surnames/index.html |
RSL surname search |
gen.roc.wayne.edu/fsl.html |
SurnameWeb |
www.surnameweb.org |
The Furness Newtons |
www.dixonnewton.webspace.virginmedia.com/ |
Taxation, tithes
free downloads (long list) |
- |
w3g.med.uni-giessen.de/CGB/genetxt/ |
Tithe records in PRO |
www.crabtree.demon.co.uk/tithes.htm |
Extraneous subjects
Cunard archives |
www.liv.ac.uk/~archives/ |
Emigration and ships |
www.geocities.com/Heartland/5978/Emigration.html |
Freemasons |
www.grand-lodge.org/ |
History |
www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ |
Immigration ships |
www.geocities.com/Athens/Partenon/3649/ships.htm |
Jewish Gen Soc of GB |
www.ort.org/jgsgb/index.htm |
Genseek mariners list |
www.standard.net.au/~jwilliams/mariners.htm |
Military regiments etc. |
www.egroups.com/ |
Money values |
www.essex.ac.uk/AMS/family/N-Money.html |
Quakers |
www.quaker.org.uk |
Railway Ancestors FHS |
www.railwayancestors.fsnet.co.uk |
Research Register |
symbiosis.uk.com/fhistory |
Maritime and Coastguard Agency |
www.mcagency.org.uk |
Ships mailing list (Rootsweb) [E-mail to |
TheShipsList-D-request@rootsweb.com with subscribe in message.] |
Ships, passengers & immigratn |
www.cyndislist.com/ships.htm |
Weights and measures |
www.essex.ac.uk/AMS/family/N-Units.html |
Workhouses |
www.workhouses.co.uk |
Workhouses |
- |
www.workhouses.org.uk |
Family Tree Magazine |
www.family-tree.co.uk |
www.ffhs.org.uk/ |
FdFHS member societies list |
www.Hawgood.co.uk/ffhs.htm |
InstHerldcGenlgclStds |
www.ihgs.ac.uk/ |
PC Advisor |
www.pcadvisor.co.uk |
Quaker FHS |
www.qfhs.mcmail.com |
Rootsweb |
$* |
www.rootsweb.com |
Society of Genealogists |
www.sog.org.uk or sog.org.uk |
UK Genealogy News |
www.ukgenealogy.co.uk/index.html |
List of mailing lists and srcs |
www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail.html |
S&N Genealogy Supplies |
www.genealogy.demon.co.uk |
Guild of One-name Stds |
@ |
www.one-name.org |
fiches, software etc |
www.familytree.swinternet.co.uk/ |
Archive Awareness |
http://www.archiveawareness.com/ |
Explore Genealogy |
http://www.exploregenealogy.co.uk/ |

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Established 1993. Affiliated to the FEDERATION OF FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETIES.